
Recto Vesical Fistula

Recto Vesical Fistula

A recto-vesical fistula is a rare and serious condition in horses involving an abnormal connection between the rectum and the bladder (vesical). This connection allows fecal material to enter the bladder, which can lead to severe complications such as infection.


  • 1. Surgery is often required to repair the fistula and close the abnormal connection between the rectum and bladder.
  • 2. Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat any infections caused by the fistula.
  • 3. The horse will require post-operative care, including monitoring for complications and ensuring proper healing.

Symptoms of Recto Vesical Fistula

  • 1. Fecal material may pass into the urine, leading to cloudy, malodorous urine.
  • 2. Recurrent urinary tract infections can occur due to the presence of fecal matter in the bladder.
  • 3. The bladder may become irritated and inflamed due to fecal contamination.

Causes of recto-vesical fistula

  • 1. Injury to the area, such as during foaling or other physical trauma, can lead to the formation of a fistula.
  • 2. Complications from surgeries in the perineal or pelvic region can sometimes result in the formation of a fistula.
  • 3. Chronic infections in the rectal or bladder area can lead to tissue damage and fistula formation.


  • 1. A veterinarian will perform a thorough physical examination and may observe signs such as fecal material in the urine.
  • 2. Ultrasound or other imaging modalities may be used to visualize the fistula and assess its extent.